Monthly Archives: August 2024

MessageXchange interview series: eInvoicing implementation tips and experiences with resident eInvoicing expert, Andriy Tyshchuk

With our experience in eInvoicing and other B2B integration, we’ve seen firsthand what customers have found useful, particularly during planning and implementation. So who better to ask for advice than our resident eInvoicing expert, Andriy Tyshchuk, who has years of experience in B2B integration, both from the end-user perspective and the service provider side.

Q: What benefits do customers get from eInvoicing?

Andriy: Customers are seeing the typical benefits that you often hear about when it comes to eInvoicing. Suppliers are seeing faster payment and improved cash flow, fewer disputes and rejected invoices and better relationships with customers. Buyers are seeing more automation, reduced invoice processing costs and less paper usage.

Q: Do any stages in the eInvoicing implementation process stand out and why?

Andriy: At the moment, one stage stands out more than others: onboarding customers and suppliers. eInvoicing is growing but it can be challenging to plan the onboarding process. Making sure you are segmenting your partners and communicating to each is key. Providing incentives, particularly faster payment times, for suppliers who send eInvoices can definitely help.

Q: How are businesses choosing an eInvoicing service provider?

Andriy: There are a few things customers seem to look for in an eInvoicing service provider. A key one is experience, particularly having a thorough understanding of the software they use, file formats and connection types they use, and having had success with them. We’ve worked with many software packages, but heavily with SAP, Oracle and Technology One.

Having localised and tailored support that can cater to their needs, as well as being competitive on price have been other factors. And we also see customers choosing based on word of mouth and reputation in the industry.

Q: What do we need from businesses to get them started?

Andriy: The process is very quick and easy for implementing eInvoicing. We just need to know what software you use, the file formats your software uses, and the connection type – how your software can connect to us. And we also need to know if they require us to implement any business rules to check specific information on invoices and automate approval and payment processes.

Q: What advice do you have for organisations currently looking to implement eInvoicing?

Andriy: Plan ahead with all the information required to get started. For buyers receiving invoices, make sure you know your connection protocols, file format and business rules. Certain ERP requirements may be needed, so we need to look at how that data can be obtained from the supplier’s software or whether we find other ways to populate the information needed. I’d also use our ‘matchmaking’ service to see which of your trading partners are already sending eInvoices and could be ‘low hanging fruit’ to onboard.Want to learn more about getting your business ready for eInvoicing? Fill in the form below to get in touch with our experts.

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MessageXchange interview series: What to think about before implementing EDI with resident EDI expert, Kieren James

Here at MessageXchange, we’ve been in the EDI game for a while now. We recently sat down with Kieren James, one of our resident EDI experts who’s worked with many of our EDI customers, to get some insights into why businesses implement EDI, what to think about when doing so, some of the challenges businesses face when implementing and his top tips for success.

Q: Why do companies implement EDI?

Kieren: I used to see companies use EDI to reduce their costs and manual processes, or to comply with their retailers’ EDI requirements. But now I’m seeing the balance shift to be more about seeking efficiency in processes. Businesses with more efficient process can get a better competitive advantage and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Q: What advice do you have for businesses implementing EDI?

Kieren: Internal planning is more important than ever. It’s key to remember that not all software is the same, especially when it comes to the fields, or data, your software supports. Doing a gap analysis before you start your implementation is super important. Your consultant, if you’re using one, can sometimes miss fields that are required. For example, you might run into problems if your software can’t send certain information like the unit of measure. As a supplier, it’s a good idea to check out your customers' message integration Guides (MIGs) to make sure your software can handle all the required fields.

Q: What do you see as customers’ biggest challenge when implementing EDI?

Kieren: There are a few key challenges customer face when implementing EDI. Some that come to mind are:

  • Not providing enough resources to allocate to the EDI project
  • Not checking message requirements and seeing if you’re current setup can populate the required fields.
  • Lack of EDI knowledge and understanding. A great way around this is to look at resources on EDI, like some of our whitepapers and blogs. Also, getting people who know about EDI in your EDI project team can be a real benefit. Another thing is to make sure you use the experience and knowledge of your EDI provider to get the most out of your EDI solution.

Q: How do businesses usually chose an EDI service provider?

Kieren: We get a lot of customers coming to us through recommendations – word of mouth between customers and their suppliers is a big one. Customers also want a provider that are familiar with the requirements of their trading partners. They also want an EDI provider that has the experience in the field that can provide support to them.

Cost is another important factor, particularly in the long term. Customers want transparency in terms of pricing, so we will clearly show how we have calculated any estimated costs and make sure we easily explain our pricing structure.

Q: What benefits have you seen from customers using EDI?

Kieren: Automation is the key benefit when implementing EDI. We’ve had customers with a haphazard approach to their processes and now they have more structure and visibility of their supply chain. With EDI, customers have more data to be able to review their ordering processes with specific partners and find possible improvements. We had a customer implement invoices and it has significantly improved payment visibility on outgoings, outstandings, and been much easier for suppliers to onboard compared to email based processes.Want to go through your EDI requirements with an experts? Getting in touch with us below.

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