Save time, money and resources

MessageXchange can enable your business to become compliant. By using a B2G gateway on the MessageXchange cloud service, you can connect and exchange messages with Government as if you have a gateway hosted on your network. Save time, money and resources, as you won’t need to buy any hardware, software or run a project to build and operate a compliant gateway; we’ve done it all for you. You simply switch it on and only pay for what you use.

Our B2G Gateway provides the messages, maps and standards so you are fully compliant but also with the utmost security to ensure confidential business documents remain safe.

Go with a reliable gateway

MessageXchange gateways are hosted in Australia and come with a guaranteed service level and proven reliability.

Case Study

The focus for NZIR was to pay invoices early to help suppliers’ cash flow and to give them a seamless experience… [Their] e-invoicing solution went live in less than four weeks from partnering with MessageXchange.

Read the New Zealand Inland Revenue case study

Next steps

What’s the process?



Chat with an account manager to go over your requirements



We’ll scope and quote your project



Sign off on the project



We’ll configure your Gateway



Connect to MessageXchange and start testing



Go live!




A MessageXchange eInvoicing Gateway allows you to conform to Australia’s eInvoicing standards. Exchange electronic invoices with anyone using the eInvoicing network directly to or from your ERP or accounting package.

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Single Touch Payroll (STP)

A MessageXchange Single Touch Payroll (STP) Gateway enables you to securely send employee salary, PAYG, superannuation information and more to the ATO directly from your existing software.

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SuperStream Gateway

MessageXchange SuperStream Gateways transfer super contributions or rollovers from employers-to-funds, funds-to-funds and funds-to-government, in the legislated format so that your business can comply with the super reforms.

Read more

Technical information

View the standards, protocols and file types supported by MessageXchange, gateway security and more.

View information

Looking for more information?

Request a call back and we’ll be in touch within a business day.

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