Use a fully compliant Gateway

MessageXchange supports new and emerging standards such as e-invoicing, Single Touch Payroll (STP), SuperStream, Standard Business Reporting (SBR2) and more. Our gateways meet all of the strict governance and security standards required by the initiatives and we maintain interconnects with all of the relevant parties; from the ATO to other customers and service providers.

Use the one Gateway for all initiatives

Get access to all of the initiatives, or just one, using in your dedicated Gateway. We take any output file your software produces and map it into the required standard and then transmits itthe file over the required protocol to its destination. All the while the security and governance standards are being upheld by us.

Have peace of mind your customers’ data will remain secure

Our platform is regularly audited and security tested, has business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and is ISO27001 accredited in information security. This level of security is maintained by MessageXchange so you can focus on your business and rest assured your customers’ data remain secure.

Scalability grow as your business grows

The MessageXchange service is cloud-based with elastic provisioning, which means it is suitable for every business, no matter how small or large and you only pay for what you use. It also means that even if your message volume starts small, it can scale upwards without issue.

Trust a reliable gateway

MessageXchange gateways are hosted in Australia and come with a guaranteed service level and proven reliability. Our uptime exceeds industry standards and our service maintains the highest level of security.

Case Study

It was [MessageXchange’s] state of preparedness – they were pretty advanced. And we were really concerned about having a service that was utterly dependable, as you have to have in the payroll game.

Read the Payroll Metrics case study




A MessageXchange eInvoicing Gateway allows you to conform to Australia’s eInvoicing standards. Exchange electronic invoices with anyone using the eInvoicing network directly to or from your ERP or accounting package.

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Single Touch Payroll (STP)

A MessageXchange Single Touch Payroll (STP) Gateway enables you to securely send employee salary, PAYG, superannuation information and more to the ATO directly from your existing software.

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SuperStream Gateway

MessageXchange SuperStream Gateways transfer super contributions or rollovers from employers-to-funds, funds-to-funds and funds-to-government, in the legislated format so that your business can comply with the super reforms.

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Technical information

View the standards, protocols and file types supported by MessageXchange, gateway security and more.

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