What to know

Information for suppliers

What does this change mean for you?

The changes for you should be minimal. We have been in contact with the EDI service providers of Chemist Warehouse suppliers, so they should be well aware of the changes.

In short, once the migration is complete, your EDI provider will receive purchase orders from MessageXchange (rather than SPS Commerce as they do today) and they will need to send back purchase order responses, advanced shipping notices and invoices to MessageXchange (rather than SPS Commerce as they do today).

The Chemist Warehouse message implementation guides (MIGs), ie the data you exchange with us, remains unchanged. However MessageXchange will be validating the data in the messages you send us to ensure they meet our requirements. If your EDI provider exchanges data as described in our MIGs, there should be no message or mapping changes required.

Given the technical nature of this, your VAN (EDI service provider) should be able to manage the migration to MessageXchange. We encourage you to reach out to your VAN if you have any technical questions.

If suppliers have any exceptions to complying with the Chemist Warehouse MIGs today, these will remain in place for the migration to MessageXchange. However please be aware that these are set to be removed in time. Chemist Warehouse will communicate with suppliers directly about this.

What do you need to do?
  1. Please make sure you have read through this and understand everything.
  2. We suggest you reach out to your EDI provider to ensure they’re taking the right steps to prepare for the migration of Chemist Warehouse’s EDI to MessageXchange.
  3. Let others in your business know about this change, if necessary.
  4. If you have any business-related questions, please reach out to Chemist Warehouse. Their contact details are below.
  5. If you have any EDI-related questions, please reach out to your EDI provider.
Who to contact with questions?

For any technical questions, we encourage you to reach out to your EDI service provider. For any business-related questions, please contact a member of the Chemist Warehouse team. Their details are listed below.

What to know

Information for EDI providers (VANs)

What do you need to do?
  1. Establish a VAN connection with MessageXchange, if you don’t have one already
    If we have an existing VAN-to-VAN connection with you today, we plan to re-use this. If this is not possible, please let us know by COB on Thursday the 13th of June 2024.If we don’t have an existing connection, we will set one up. We sent an email to these VANs and expect to have the connections established by COB on Thursday the 13th of June 2024.
  2. Nominate a contact
    We have emailed all VANs about this migration. If your preferred contact did not receive an email from us, please let us know who you would like us to communicate with by COB on Thursday the 13th of June 2024. You can email these details through to support@messagexchange.com.
  3. Send MessageXchange test messages for each customer of yours who trades with Chemist Warehouse
    Please provide us with EDIFACT ORDRSP, DESADV and INVOIC messages for each Chemist Warehouse supplier using your VAN. These can be historical production messages using the current Chemist Warehouse MIG. This will help us determine each supplier’s readiness to start exchanging EDI messages via MessageXchange.You can send these messages via the test VAN-to-VAN connection using the Chemist Warehouse Test GLN (TST1CWM), or by email if that is easier. But please send these messages by COB on Friday the 21st of June 2024. Please send us an email at support@messagexchange.com once you have sent the messages for each supplier, if you are sending them via our VAN connection.
  4. Start getting prepared
    Please look over the information on this page. Once you understand everything, please identify any activities you’ll need to perform to support a smooth testing and migration process for your customers.

Will there be any changes to the Chemist Warehouse messages we exchange today?

The Chemist Warehouse MIGs will remain unchanged. MessageXchange will have validations in place to ensure the data in each message complies with the MIGs, particularly things like:

  • MessageXchange validates rules, enumerations, and syntax as per the Message Implementation Guide (MIG)
  • Quantity MUST be whole numbers

If any of the validations fail, the message will be rejected and an email will be sent to the supplier to let them know that it’s been rejected, as well as why.

Looking for an EDI solution?

Here are your EDI options

Use your existing EDI provider (VAN)

If you’ve got an existing VAN, speak to them about the migration of Chemist Warehouse EDI to MessageXchange.

Use Colladium, a free web portal

If you don’t have a VAN or if your VAN can’t get ready in time, Chemist Warehouse is providing a free EDI portal, Colladium, for you to receive purchase orders and send back responses, advanced shipping notices and invoices. It’s free to use and you can invite as many employees as you like at no cost.

This is available as an option to you even if you use an existing EDI service provider today. We’ll provide you with more details on this option in the coming weeks.See more about Colladium here.

Take up the special migration package from MessageXchange

If you don’t currently have an EDI solution, MessageXchange is offering a special migration package for a limited time. Please contact us for more information.

Remember these

Important dates

We’re still working out the finer details but we expect the migration to commence in July 2024.

We’ll keep VANs and suppliers informed, so please keep checking back to this page and keep an eye on your emails.

Relevant for Date Item
VANs COB Thursday the 13th of June 2024 Confirm the best contact →
VANs COB Thursday the 13th of June 2024 Confirm VAN connection →
VANs COB Friday the 21st of June 2024 Send test messages for each supplier →
Everyone TBC Migration complete

Need help?

Here are the contact details you might need

We recommend suppliers contact Chemist Warehouse directly for any business-related questions, and to contact their EDI provider for any technical questions.

EDI providers can reach out to MessageXchange with technical questions.


Chemist Warehouse supplier team


MessageXchange support
1300 769 414