Our integration team can enable you to integrate your existing IT systems with those of your trading partners, institutions or Government. We connect them so that you can exchange messages electronically; eliminating the need for paperwork and manual data entry while enabling you to meet standards and to automate business processes.

Mapping involves translating files produced by one system to those required by another system; mediating between message standards and protocols and aligning business processes. Our team are experts in all industry standard file formats like EDIFACT, X12, XML, XBRL, iDOCS, and flat files; message standards and protocols such as AS2, AS4, web services, SFTP, and HTTPS and a wide variety of business processes across industry.

Our integration method involves several phases of testing from low level configuration, end-to-end connectivity and procedural testing through to systems integration testing (SIT) and user acceptance testing (UAT). At all times, we endeavour to ensure your gateway operates in the manner it’s intended to.
UAT looks at the whole process, from end-to-end and all parties are involved. It ensures the gateway works in practice so there are no unknowns when your gateway goes live.
Technical information
View the standards, protocols and file types supported by MessageXchange, gateway security and more.